Anatomy The bony pyramid of the nose is comprised of the paired nasal bones and frontal

processes of the maxillary bones (Fig. 39.1). The nasal bones gradually thin as they meet the upper lateral cartilages caudally where they are most vulnerable to fracture. The upper lateral cartilage inserts on the undersurface of the nasal bone and con­ tacts the quadrangular cartilage of the nasal septum anteriorly and the lower lateral cartilage caudally. The nasal septum is comprised of the quadrangular cartilage ante­ riorly, the perpendicular plate o f the ethmoid bone posterosuperiorly, and the vomer bone posteroinferiorly (Fig. 39.2). The entire nasal structure rests on the groove of the maxillary crest terminating anteriorly at the nasal spine.