The heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein (hnRNP) family includes a diverse group o f RNA binding proteins to which we are affiliating here other structurally and functionally related proteins (e.g., Nova, Sam68, ESRP, Fox, TDP-43, Hu, CUG-BP, M BN L and TIA proteins). These hnRNP and hnRNP-like proteins make important contributions to protein diversity and activity by modulating the alternative splicing o f a large repertoire o f pre-mRNAs. They achieve this function through a variety o f molecular strategies ranging from direcdy preventing the recognition o f splice sites, antagonizing or helping the assembly o f positive regulatory complexes, interfering with spliceosome assembly and changing the conformation o f pre-mRNAs. In addition to regulating key splicing events, defects in the expression o f these proteins are now being documented for a growing number o f human diseases including cancer. hnRNP and hnRNP-like proteins therefore represent a group ofproteins whose roles in the control o f splicing pervade all areas ofbiology and human health.