Loading • Peak body digoxin stores of 8 jig/kg to 12 jig/kg should provide therapeutic effect with minimum risk of toxicity for patients with heart failure and normal sinus rhythm

• 10 jutg/kg to 15 jxg/kg may be needed in patients with atrial flutter or fibrillation

Maintenance • The following formula can be used to calculate maintenance dose Loading % Daily loss dose X T5o

Isosorbide Mononitrate • 20 mg (1 tablet), 2 times a day, given 7 hours apart

Midodrine ___________________ • 10 mg, 3 times daily____________________________________________ Erectile Sildenafil citrate Dysfunction • 25-100 mg 1 hr prior to sexual activity Agents Tadalafil

• 5-20 mg orally (maximum frequency is once daily) Vardenafil • 10 or 20 mg 1 hr prior to sexual activity (maximum frequency is once


Levothyroxine • Dosage and rate of administration must be individualized Synthroid® Hypothyroidism

• Usual starting dose is 1.6 [ig/kg/d, administered once daily • 200 jig/d is usually highest maintenance dose required

Myxedema Coma • 300 i*g to 500 |*g

TSH Suppression • Initial dose is followed by daily IV doses of 75 jig to 100 |ig until

the patient is stable Levothroid® Hypothyroidism

• Usual starting dose is 50 jig/d, with increments of 50 pg/d every 2 to 4 weeks

• 100 jig/d to 200 jxg/d is usual maintenance range Myxedema Coma

______________________ • 200 ^g to 500 \iq given rapidly_______________________________ Continued...