Diltiazem • 180 mg/d to 240 mg/d Nifedipine • 30 mg/d or 60 mg/d Isradipine • 2.5 mg BID alone or in combination with a thiazide diuretic Verapamil • 180 mg/d with upward titrations if adequate response is not obtained Amlodipine • 5 mg/d with a maximum dose of 10 mg/d Amlodipine and benazepril hydrochloride

___________________ • 2.5 mg to 5 mg of amlodipine and 10 mg to 20 mg of benazepril once daily

Alpha-Adrenergic • Dosage must be individualized Receptor Blockers

Terazosin • Initial dosage is 1 mg at bedtime • Maintenance range is usually 1 mg/d to 5 mg/d Doxazosin • Initial dosage is 1 mg given once daily • Depending on standing blood pressure, dose may be increased to 2 mg

and then if necessary to 4 mg, 8 mg, or 16 mg Labetalol (a - and p-blocker) • 100 mg twice daily • After 2 or 3 days, dosage may be titrated in increments of 100 mg BID

every 2 or 3 days; usual maintenance range is 200 mg to 400 mg twice _____________________daily_________________________________________________________ Central Alpha-• Dosage must be individualized Adrenergic Agonist

Clonidine • Initial dosage is 0.1 mg twice a day • Maintenance dose is reached with 0.1 mg/d increments until patient

reaches the appropriate maintenance range of 0.2 mg/d to 0.6 mg/d _____________________given in divided doses__________________________________________ Beta-Blockers • Dosage must be individualized

M etoprolol • Initial dosage is 100 mg/d in single or divided doses alone or added to

diuretic therapy • Dosage can be increased at weekly (or longer intervals) until optimal

control is achieved, usually at 100 mg/d to 450 mg/d Atenolol • Initial dosage is 50 mg/d given as 1 tablet alone or added to diuretic

therapy • If optimal effect is not achieved within 1 to 2 weeks, dosage can be

increased to 100 mg/d given as a single tablet Carvedilol

___________________ • 3.125 mg to 50 mg orally twice daily______________________________ C o n tin u e d ...