This approach to evolution entails the total denial o f constructive accidents. Mutations are a reality and while most o f them are o f no consequence or detrimental, one cannot deny that on occasion a beneficial mutation might occur. However, to invoke strings o f beneficial mutations that suffice to reshape one animal into the shape o f another is not merely unreasonable, it is not science. As one might expect, a major postulate based upon the new hypothesis is that species are the products o f normal distributions o f nucleic acid sequences that were produced separately in the primor­ dial biogenic foci, they are the chemical heritage o f each species. Evolution will be restricted to the reorganization o f nuclear material in line with equilibrium constants and kinetic parameters that govern the quasi two-dimensional chemistry o f nucleic acids. The actual evolution occurs at the cellular level and is noted only by the results appearing in the fossil record as small versions o f the final form.