T he m a jo r b lo o d tra n sfu s io n c o n sid e ra tio n s in o b ste tric s are show n in Table 24.1. As physiologic p reparation for b lood loss at the tim e o f delivery, the b lood volum e o f a gravid w om an is 60% m ore th an th a t o f a n o n p reg n an t w om an resulting in a d ilu tional anem ia. It should be em phasized th a t patien ts can to ler­ ate m oderate anem ia (hem atocrit 18-25%, hem oglobin 6-8 g/dl) if norm ovolem ia is m ain tained . B lood transfusion is an un co m m o n event in obstetrics. O nly 1% o f vaginal deliveries require transfusion . However, as m any as 18% o f patien ts u n ­ dergoing cesarean section m ay require transfusion . Overall obstetrical patients account for 2-4% o f all red b lood cells transfused in the U.S. (Fig. 4.1).