Leukocytes are probably the least frequent b lood p ro d u c t requested o f a tran s­ fusion service. There are a variety o f leukocyte products, som e o f w hich are m ostly o f research interest. For exam ple, there has been interest in the use o f in terleukin-2 stim ulated lym phokine activated killer cells (IL2-LAK) and in th e use o f ex vivo m onocytes stim ulated w ith gam m a in terferon [EVLA] trea tm en t in the adoptive im m u n o th erap y o f cancer. Both o f these are largely experim ental and have n o t com e in to rou tine use at th is tim e. This C hapter will focus exclusively on g ranu lo ­ cyte concentrates.