While the PTH s are by far the leading anabolic agents for treating osteoporosis and mending fractures, another family o f drugs has been trying to challenge them but with very mixed results (Mundy, 2000 ; W hitfield, 2 001 , 2002a). These now old drugs were discovered by Endo and colleagues during a search for microbial weapons o f mass destruction that microorganisms use to defend themselves by blocking key sterol syntheses in their enemies (Endo, 1992). They are produced by molds such as P enicillium citnnum (Endo 1972, et al., 1977; Kuroda et al., 1977; Veillard and Mach, 2002). This ability to inhibit sterol production turned out to be useful for reducing blood cholesterol and preventing heart attacks and stroke (Veillard and Mach, 2002).