D ermatofibrosarcoma Protuberans (DP), also named Darier-Ferrand tumor, is a soft tissue tumor typi­ cally located in the deep dermis. It arises at any site but preferentially in the subcutane­ ous tissue of the trunk and proximal extremi­ ties. DP occurs during early and mid-adult life.1 Although authentic DP may also but seldomly, occurs in children, a distinct entity, giant cell fibroblastoma (GCF), has been con­ sidered as a juvenile form of D P 1 2 DP is locally invasive and can be classed among tumors o f low or borderline malignancy. Current therapy is purely surgical. The overall high recurrence rate, up to 50% and the repeti­ tion o f recurrences are common, reflecting the extensive infitrative growth o f the tumor and the difficulty to recognize it at the time of the surgery.1,3 To avoid recurrence, such wide mar­ gins are required that secondary reconstmctive surgery and skin grafts are often needed. An accurate diagnosis differentiating DP from other tumors, benign or malignant, is there­ fore crucial. It is sometimes particularly puz­ zling, requiring highly reliable diagnostic markers as are recurrent chromosome trans­ locations and their subsequent specific molecu­ lar rearrangements.4,5 In this context, we inves­ tigated the features of D P as part o f a program on cytogenetic and molecular characterization o f soft tissue tumors.