Elementary matrices and matrix manipulation 104

Matrix functions-numerical linear algebra 110

GDWDIXQ Data analysis and Fourier transforms 112

Function functions and ODE solvers 116

15.1 General KHOSJHQHUDO

General information KHOSEURZVHU Bring up the help browser

GRF Complete online help, displayed in the help browser (KHOSGHVNin Version 6.0)

KHOS M-file help, displayed in the Command window

KHOSZLQ M-file help, displayed in the help browser

Open MathWorks technical support web page

MATLAB, Simulink, and toolbox version information

Clear variables and functions from memory

Create pre-parsed pseudo-code file (Pfile)

Import Java packages into the current scope

Control paged output in Command window

Operating system commands FG Change current working directory FRS\ILOH Copy a file SZG Show (print) current working directory GLU List directory GHOHWH Delete file

Operating system commands (continued) JHWHQY Get environment variable PNGLU Make directory Execute operating system command GRV Execute DOS command and return result XQL[ Execute Unix command and return result V\VWHP

Execute system command and return result

True for the Windows version of MATLAB

Debugging M-files GHEXJ List debugging commands GEVWRS Set breakpoint GEFOHDU Remove breakpoint GEFRQW Continue execution GEGRZQ Change local workspace context GEVWDFN Display function call stack GEVWDWXV List all breakpoints GEVWHS Execute one or more lines GEW\SH List M-file with line numbers GEXS Change local workspace context GETXLW Quit debug mode GEPH[ Debug MEX-files (Unix only)

Profiling M-files SURILOH Profile function execution time SURIUHSRUW Generate profile report

Locate dependent directories of an Mfile

15.2 Operators and special characters KHOSRSV

Bitwise operators ELWDQG Bit-wise AND ELWFPS Complement bits ELWRU Bit-wise OR ELWPD[ Maximum floating-point integer ELW[RU Bit-wise EXCLUSIVE OR ELWVHW Set bit ELWJHW Get bit ELWVKLIW Bit-wise shift

Set operators XQLRQ Set union XQLTXH Set unique LQWHUVHFW Set intersection VHWGLII Set difference VHW[RU Set exclusive-or LVPHPEHU True for set member

15.3 Programming language constructs KHOSODQJ

Terminate scope of IRU, ZKLOH, VZLWFK, WU\ and LI statements

IRU Repeat statements a specific number of times

ZKLOH Repeat statements an indefinite number of times

EUHDN Terminate execution of ZKLOH or IRU loop

Pass control to the next iteration of IRU or ZKLOH loop

VZLWFK Switch among several cases based on expression

Execute string with MATLAB expression

HYDOF Evaluate MATLAB expression with capture

Execute built-in function from overloaded method

Check if variables or functions are defined

Scripts, functions, and variables (cont.) PXQORFN Allow M-file to be cleared PLVORFNHG True if M-file cannot be cleared SUHFHGHQFH Operator precedence in MATLAB LVYDUQDPH Check for a valid variable name LVNH\ZRUG Check if input is a keyword

Argument handling QDUJFKN Validate number of input arguments QDUJRXWFKN Validate number of output arguments QDUJLQ Number of function input arguments QDUJRXW Number of function output arguments YDUDUJLQ Variable length input argument list YDUDUJRXW Variable length output argument list LQSXWQDPH Input argument name

Message display HUURU Display error message and abort function ZDUQLQJ Display warning message ODVWHUU Last error message ODVWZDUQ Last warning message GLVS Display an array GLVSOD\ Overloaded function to display an array ISULQWI Display formatted message VSULQWI Write formatted data to a string

Interactive input LQSXW Prompt for user input NH\ERDUG Invoke keyboard from M-file SDXVH Wait for user response XLPHQX Create user interface menu XLFRQWURO Create user interface control

Frequency spacing for frequency response

Regularly spaced vector and index into matrix

Basic array information VL]H Size of matrix OHQJWK Length of vector QGLPV Number of dimensions QXPHO Number of elements GLVS Display matrix or text LVHPSW\ True for empty matrix LVHTXDO True if arrays are identical LVQXPHULF True for numeric arrays LVORJLFDO True for logical array ORJLFDO Convert numeric values to logical

Matrix manipulation UHVKDSH Change size GLDJ Diagonal matrices; diagonals of matrix EONGLDJ Block diagonal concatenation WULO Extract lower triangular part WULX Extract upper triangular part IOLSOU Flip matrix in left/right direction IOLSXG Flip matrix in up/down direction IOLSGLP Flip matrix along specified dimension URW Rotate matrix 90 degrees

Regularly spaced vector and index into matrix

Special variables and constants DQV Most recent answer HSV Floating-point relative accuracy UHDOPD[ Largest positive floating-point number UHDOPLQ Smallest positive floating-point number SL ...