Supersymmetry provides a solution to the gauge hierarchy problem and promises a unied theory of Poincar·e group with the internal symmetry groups. It is also a beautiful theory by itself, since it unies the concept of fermions and bosons and keeps them in the same supermultiplets. Since supersymmetry has not been observed in nature, it must be broken at some higher energies, if it exists. So, the phenomenology of supersymmetry will depend strongly on the supersymmetry breaking mechanism, while to see any signature of supersymmetry we need to consider a supersymmetry breaking mechanism. To overcome this problem, some supersymmetry breaking mechanism has been proposed from theoretical considerations and then the predictions are generalized to study their phenomenological consequences. For example, supergravity induced supersymmetry breaking gives us the soft supersymmetry breaking terms. But there is no unique theory of supergravity that can be used to calculate the possible soft supersymmetry breaking terms at low energy. So, in a phenomenological model of supergravity induced supersymmetry breaking, all possible soft terms will be included with proper constraints.