sooner. The gold standard for renal function is inulin clearance. Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), also known as myalgic encephalitis, is defined as disabling fatigue associated with other symptoms, e.g. musculoskeletal pain, sleep disturbance, impaired concentration and headaches. The cause is not understood; a polypeptide involved in the antiviral response was more common in CFS but this has no clinical application. The guidelines have been criticised for not being sufficiently evidence based, but this editorial is somewhat more optimistic. General practice is about dealing with symptoms that don't fit the disease model. It is important to acknowledge the symptoms and distress, as well as to provide continuity of care. The average general practice attendance per patient is three to four times per year. The longer the duration of travel the higher the apparent risk, although there is no lower limit below which it is safe.