Polymyositis is an inflammatory condition which predominantly causes pain and weakness in the proximal muscles. Diagnosis is usually confirmed using electromyography and muscle biopsy. Mononeuritis multiplex would present with a painful, asymmetrical, asynchronous sensory and motor peripheral neuropathy involving isolated damage to at least two separate nerve areas. Steroids help to reduce inflammation and thus increase recovery, although it is recommended to limit corticosteroid treatment to more severe symptoms (where the relapse is painful or disabling) in order to avoid the side effects of steroid therapy. The other drugs are disease-modifying agents and are only indicated in MS patients with relapsing episodes and after full discussion and consideration of all the risks. Inflammation and demyelination of ventral roots causes symmetric ascending muscle weakness beginning in the distal lower extremities. Paralysis of muscles required for respiration can occur if left untreated, leading to respiratory depression or even death.