This chapter provides that the themed presentation encourages quick, focused study and detailed answers aid comprehension and encourages familiarity with each topic with essential diagrams, colour images and sample MRIs. The dorsal scapular nerve supplies the rhomboid muscles and levator scapulae muscle. The suprascapular nerve supplies supraspinatus and infraspinatus (two of the rotator cuff muscles; teres minor is supplied by the axillary nerve and subscapularis by the upper and lower subscapular nerves). The axillary nerve supplies the deltoid muscles; this nerve is commonly injured in shoulder dislocations; always check the sensation over the ‘regimental badge area’ before attempting shoulder reduction to assess if damage has already occurred. The sinus itself receives a venous blood supply from the ophthalmic vein. Thus, the cavernous sinus is unique since an artery passes through a venous structure.