1. Acute haemorrhage Restoration of plasma volume (over hours) is quicker than RBC t (over days)

2. Haemolytic anaemias Hereditary:

• Haemoglobinopathy: Hb S (sickle cell); Unstable Hb or altered 0. affinity

• Membrane defect: hereditary elliptocytosis

• Enzyme defect: G6PD or Pyruvate kinase deficiency

Acquired: Spleen enlargement PNH Liver disease Immune, e.g. SLE Toxin, e.g. MeDOPA Trauma to RBCs (MAHA) Infection, e.g. malaria Neoplasia, e.g. adenocarcinoma Graft, arterial

Acquired mutation, PNH, Leukaemia, Autoimmune, Sniffing glue, Toxins, Infection, Congenital

Bone marrow replacement: • Myelofibrosis, myeloma, leukaemia • Malignancy: osteoblastic metastases • Infection: TB, Brucella, Candida

Chronic disease, anaemia of Path: Failure of iron recycling Cause: Infection, autoimmunity, malignancy

Diet: malnutrition, malabsorption (protein 1) Endocrine: Addison's, dysthyroidism

MAR.MAL.A.D.E. 1. Megaloblastic Vit B12 deficiency

a) Intake i : vegetarian, e.g. Hindus b) Absorption i :

• Stomach (IF and R protein synthesis): pernicious anaemia, gastrectomy

• Duodenum, pancreas (R protein dissociation): coeliac, chronic pancreatitis

• Small bowel (sequestration): bacterial overgrowth, e.g. blind-loop

• Terminal ileum (absorption): Crohn's, TB c) Drugs: metformin, colchicine, N20 anaesthesia

Folate deficiency a) Intake 1 : 'tea + biscuits' diet - elderly b) Absorption 4: coeliac, Crohn's, AIDS c) Drugs:

DHFR inhibitor: methotrexate, trimethoprim Dihydropteroate synthetase inhibitor:

d) Demand t: • Physiological: pregnancy, infancy • Neoplasia: myeloproliferative • Haemolysis, erythroderma, autoimmune

Other: orotic aciduria, transcobalamin-ll deficiency

e.g. acute haemolysis or BM replacement

chronic idiopathic, or Fanconi's

7. Disordered iron t haemochromatosis, or haemosiderosis


The following cause either a peripheral blood pancytopenia or anaemia due to failure of haematopoeisis.