Additional techniques, namely AES and EDS, are available when only elemen­ tal analysis is required. Along with TOF-SIMS, these techniques can provide elemental analysis of submicrometer particles. However, because TOF-SIMS is difficult to perform quantitatively, EDS and AES are more widely used. EDS and AES systems generally incorporate components allowing electron microscopy, thereby providing elemental composition and particle morphology. EDS analysis is easier to perform on a wide variety of samples and in many instances EDS is selected over AES due to the larger number of installed EDS systems. It is some-

what limited in that the volume from which characteristic X-rays are produced is on the order of 1 |_im3. In comparison, the volume from which Auger electrons are produced is the sampling depth ( 1 - 1 0 nm) times roughly either the electron beam diameter or the area over which the electron beam is rastered. Although both AES and EDS can be used to analyze submicrometer particles, the surrounding sub­ strate will generally be detected in either case. The special class of submicrometer plate-like particles is best examined by AES, since a larger portion of the analysis volume can be confined to the particle.