Daniel Romero, Romain Rouvoy, Sophie Chabridon, Denis Conan,

Ni olas Pessemier, and Lionel Seinturier

5.5 Illustrating Dynami Context-aware Web Servi es with a Mobile Commer e

Abstract In ubiquitous environments, mobile appli ations should sense and rea t to environmental hanges to provide a better user experien e. In

order to deal with these on erns, Servi e-Oriented Ar hite tures (SOA) pro-

vide a solution allowing appli ations to intera t with the servi es available

in their surroundings. In parti ular, ontext-aware Web Servi es an adapt

their behavior onsidering the user ontext. However, the limited resour es

of mobile devi es restri t the adaptation degree. Furthermore, the diverse

nature of ontext information makes di ult its retrieval, pro essing and dis-

tribution. To ta kle these hallenges, we present the CAPPUCINO platform

for exe uting ontext-awareWeb Servi es in ubiquitous environments. In par-

ti ular, in this hapter we fo us on the middleware part that is built as an

autonomi ontrol loop that deals with dynami adaptation. In this auto-

nomi loop we use FraSCAti, an implementation of the Servi e Component

Ar hite ture (SCA) spe i ation, as the exe ution kernel for Web Servi es.

The ontext distribution is a hieved with SPACES, a exible solution based

on REST (REpresentational State Transfer) prin iples and beneting from

the COSMOS (COntext entitieS oMpositiOn and Sharing) ontext manage-

ment framework. The appli ation of our platform is illustrated with a mobile

ommer e appli ation s enario that ombines ontext-awareWeb Servi es and

so ial networks.