Biological events in cells are caused by specic interactions among a wide variety of biomolecules, including proteins, nucleotides, chemicals, and so on. Chemical biology is focused on elucidatingthe mechanism and network of biological reactions by using chemical compounds. Several chemical compounds show specic inhibition or activation against target proteins, mediated by a specic binding to the functional domain of proteins. Therefore, the identication of target proteins for chemical compounds provides us with valuable information about biological and biochemical reactions, and also anew insight for developing therapeutic agents by an analysis of structureactivityrelationship. Despite the importance of identifying target molecules, some difculties are encountered in aconventional afnity purication system, due to their high nonspecic binding and weakness of physical properties of the carrier. To resolve such problems, we have developed anovel afnity nanoparticle for high-performance purication. In Section 9.2, we introduce the construction and the properties of our afnity particles.