The importance of developing integral assessment (IA) of the psychophysiological condition (PPC) is explained by the fact that success of professional activities: its effectiveness, efficiency, reliability are determined mostly by man's condition. The earlier approaches to the search for PPC integral index, the quest for the crucial, "pivotal" PPC index or set of indices were either of moderate efficiency or totally inefficient due to the evident lack of appreciation for and understanding of the events' systematic organization. The paradigm of systematic approach that relies on definition of a system as a "set", "complexity", "interface" of its elements was supplemented in the middle of the last century by the theory of "Functional System" (FS) elaborated by the famous Russian scientist P.K Anokhin. He worked out the universal theoretical model of Functional System, which is currently used by modern researchers to review and analyze different phenomena, which helps to successfully solve crucial problems, including that of optimizing the functioning of the "human-equipment" system.