In most safety critical domains, theoretically underpinned accident analysis is an accepted approach for identifying the causal factors involved in accidents, and for informing the development of strategies designed to improve safety. Such approaches are yet to be developed and applied within a led outdoor activity context, despite the industry recognizing the important role of accident analysis for enhancing safety. This paper presents an application of a popular risk management framework to the analysis of a high-profile led outdoor activity accident. This involved the development of an Accimap for the Lyme Bay sea canoeing incident, the aim being to test the usefulness of the approach for explaining how accidents occur in the outdoor activity sector. The outputs were used to test seven predictions regarding safety and accident causation made by the framework. In conclusion, the

analysis provides suppm1ive evidence for each prediction, and provides further support for the Accimap method as an accident analysis tool for complex sociotechnical systems.