Unintentional injury is the leading cause of death and disability for adolescents (Agran, Winn, Anderson, Trent, & Walton-Haynes, 2001). Overall, unintentional injury rates are highest among adolescents ages 15 to 18 (Grossman, 2000). Using National Health Interview Survey data, Danesco, Miller, and Spicer (2000) determined an injury rate of 25/1000 for children 13 through 21 years of age, or 20.6 million injuries a year. The estimated cost of unintentional injuries to this population was $347 billion annually. These statistics reflect the fact that more adolescents engage in high-risk behavior than their younger peers or their elders. In fact, risk-taking behavior is normal for this age range (Steinberg, 2004).