The problem situation (see Figure 3.1) is the second block of the A3 but it is the beginning of the process for creating an A3. The problem situation consists of:

Background ◾ Problem Statement ◾

Standard (expectation or norm) − Current Situation (what is happening now) − Discrepancy (gap or problem) −

Extent ◾ Rationale ◾

When starting the problem-solving process, think about what your level or position is in relation to the organization. By doing this, you are able to provide the reader with background into your situation and how this problem is relevant to the organization as a whole:

What area do you work in? ◾ What function is your area responsible for? ◾ What is your position within the area? ◾ What work do you perform? ◾ What, if any, relevant history surrounds this situation? ◾

Briefly explain to the reader what area or department you work in and what specific function the area provides for the organization. You will also need to provide a description of your position and the responsibilities you have in that position.