Chapter 2 examined the history and evolution of spatial decision support system (SDSS) technology and applications. It highlighted the large number and wide range of SDSS applications that have been created over the last several decades. These SDSS applications have used various technologies and approaches to address spatial decision-making situations from a variety of disciplines or domains. The objective of this chapter is to both provide an overview of the types of SDSS applications that have been published in the literature highlighted and to provide detailed descriptions of SDSS applications from a range of application domains. This chapter will highlight the range of disciplines to which SDSS have been applied. This chapter offers planners, managers, developers, and other decision makers who might utilize geographical information science (GIS), decision support systems (DSS), and SDSS a rich source of information regarding the application areas where SDSS have been applied. The review in this

chapter and the accompanying searchable database will allow researchers, managers, and implementers to focus on specific research and management application examples of SDSS in their geographic, technical, or scientific domain. Potential SDSS application developers will be able to investigate existing systems that might be similar to the system that they would like to develop. Specifically, they can see what kinds of technologies (e.g., GIS based, Web based), integration levels (i.e., tightly or loosely coupled), and software development environments have been used for developing SDSS.