Construction projects are mainly capital investment projects. They are customized and nonrepetitive in nature. Construction projects have become more complex and technical, and the relationships and the contractual grouping of those who are involved are also more complex and contractually varied. The products used in construction projects are expensive, complex, immovable, and long-lived. Generally, a construction project comprises building materials (civil), electromechanical items, finishing items, and equipment. These are normally produced by other constructionrelated industries/manufacturers. These industries produce products per their own quality management practices complying with certain quality standards or against specific requirements for a particular project. Owners of construction projects or their representatives have no direct control over these companies unless they themselves, their representatives, or appointed contractors commit to buying their product for use in their facility. These organizations may have their own quality management program. In manufacturing or service industries quality management of all in-house manufactured products is performed by the manufacturer’s own team or is under the control of the same organization that has jurisdiction over its manufacturing plants at different locations. Quality management of vendor-supplied items/products is carried out as stipulated in the purchasing contract per the quality control specification of the buyer.