Unpredictability is common in many aspects of SHM. If structural behaviors were entirely predictable, there would be little need for SHM. This is not always the case. Many aspects of structural loading, response, damage formation, and damage propagation are unpredictable. Designing and implementing an SHM effort without accounting for unpredictability risks inefficiency, and the failure to collect and act upon important data. Choosing the proper measurement location, timing and operational parameters of an SHM effort may be crucial for realizing successful outcomes. It is, often, not always practical to set up SHM systems with sufficient sensing resolution to capture all unpredictable phenomena of interest. Adaptation is a strategy successfully used by many biological and manmade systems to counter the effects and even take advantage of unpredictable stressors and environmental changes [1,2].Applying such techniques to SHM has the potential of significantly enhancing the performance of many SHM systems [3].