The kaizen teams use a structured approach when resolving problems or improving work processes. This structured approach requires that people first consider the scope and the main causes of the problem; only at a later stage do they start considering solutions. In addition, the procedure provides for a variety of methods to facilitate the process of describing, investigating, and resolving the problem. A kaizen team works on the basis of the cycle of improvement, which provides structure in resolving a particular problem or improving a particular process. Based on this structured approach, the team sets out to tackle the problem in an effective and action-oriented way. The core of the cycle of improvement is based on the Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) cycle developed by Dr. W. Edwards Deming. Below is a brief explanation of the four phases of the PDCA cycle:

Planning phase-During this phase, the problem is considered (that is, its size and scope, frequency, causes, and impact are all assessed) and solutions are developed. The results of the Planning phase represent an analysis of the process or problem, identification of the root causes of errors and wastes, and development of an action plan containing specific solutions.