Whenever improvements are made, the emphasis is usually on making processes more logical and eliminating waste. However, the physical work environment also has a major impact on the effectiveness of processes to the point where an unorganized, messy workplace can be a source of error, disturbances, and accidents. The reason is the presence of redundant materials , items that are not stored in a permanent place, and a lack of standard procedures. As a result, irregularities in the work process are not visible, or are only seen too late, or too much time is wasted looking for the right documents or files, or even something as simple as a stapler. Workspaces can be organized as garages or as supermarkets. Garages are enclosed areas where only the owner knows where anything is located (or at least he thinks he does), whereas supermarkets are accessible to all and are logically designed to ensure that customers can see where everything is located.