If we were at a party, and I asked you what you did for a living, how would you respond? If you’re like most construction professionals, you’d probably say, “I build buildings,” and quickly move on to the appetizer table. But let’s say we’d both had more than our fair share of cocktails. If I pressed you, you might say something like, “I baby-sit subcontractors,” or if you’re a subcontractor, you might grunt and say, “I make those know-nothing GCs look good.” Then it would be my turn to hit the appetizers. But let’s think of the broader implications of this question. Most people in construction usually think of themselves as mere builders. And there’s nothing wrong with that. In fact, there is something noble and humble about this belief. But whether you are a general contractor or a subcontractor, you are, in actuality, much more than a simple builder. You are in the dream business. Come on, put down the drink and hear me out for a second. This isn’t just a bunch of philosophical hooey that I’m about to lay on you.