A system of linear homogeneous differential equations is called adjoint to (A.1) if it has the form y′ = B(x)y, where B = −AT , and AT denotes the transpose of A.

A second-order differential equation can always be reduced to a system of first order equations. For example, the general second order differential equation

y′′ + a1(x) y′ + a2(x) y = 0, (A.3)

where ai, i = 1, 2, are real valued functions of x, is reduced to a system of first order equations by setting y = y1 and y′ = y2. Thus, (A.3) becomes

y′1 = y2,

y′2 = −a2y − a1y, or y′ = A(x)y, (A.4)

where A = [

0 1 −a2 −a1


. Since AT = [

0 −a2 1 −a1


, the adjoint system to (A.4) is y′ = −AT y, or

y′1 = a2(x) y2,

y′2 = −y1 + a1(x) y2.