Although the largest and most important ship in the fleet, an aircraft carrier is like the all other


Aircraft carrier is the most important warship with high-speed and a large action radius. Hull is identical to the shape of any other type of large warship. It has a large and spacious deck with variety of devices and equipment for takeoffs and landing various types of aircrafts. Interior is organized in way that it can accommodate all aircrafts, equipment, weapons, fuel, and about 2,000 crew members. Aircraft carrier strike force is the main part of every major Navy’s, especially those who have pretensions to control the waterways around the world’s oceans. Aircraft carrier designs features results directly from the experience gained during the war operations, particularly the damage control ability which can be described with the following features:

− Watertight bulkheads must have the full integrity with as much as possible watertightness above the highest water line that the ship can reach after the damage occurs by hostile action. At the same time the watertight bulkheads must limit and prevent the spreading of fire, since from the war experience the fire is the second cause of loss.