Nicolas Bourbaki. The question continuously circulating around the congress was: “Has Bourbaki already arrived in Moscow?”

Membership by country in the Moscow 1966 congress. (From Vsemirnii Kongress Matematikov v Moskve by V. N. Trostnikov, Znanie 1967.)

Georges de Rham, president of the IMU, at the opening of ceremony of the Moscow 1966 congress. At his side are Henri Cartan and Ivan G. Petrovsky. (Photograph taken at the 1966 ICM in Moscow by S. V. Smirnov, from Ivanovo State University.)

General atmosphere at the opening of the Moscow 1966 congress. (Photographs taken at the 1966 ICM in Moscow by S. V. Smirnov, from Ivanovo State University.)

We have already explained that it was at this congress where, for the first time, four Fields Medals were awarded and the “under forty” rule was made explicit. Georges de Rham, as president of the International Mathematical Union, was chairman of the Fields Medal Committee, which was made up of H. Davenport, M. Deuring, W. Feller, M. A. Lavrentyev, J.- P. Serre, D. C. Spenser, and R. Thom. He announced the 1966 laureates, who were

Michael Francis Atiyah from Oxford University,

Paul J. Cohen from Stanford University,

Alexander Grothendieck from the Universite´ de Paris,

Stephen Smale from the University of California at Berkeley.