Introduction 97 Literature Review98 Community Policing in Racine100

Methodology101 Scale Reliability102 Data Collection102 Results: Demographic Description104 Attitudes toward Community Policing105 Inter-Correlations among Dependent Constructs106

Predicting Support for Community Policing107 Comments from Officers107 Community Policing Philosophy108 Community Policing Unit and Substations108 Communication among Ranks109 Problems with the Survey109 Discussion110 References110

examined the stability of acceptance of COP over time in Racine, Wisconsin. Attitudinal differences among the population of officers in the Racine Police Department (RPD) were examined, to first assess how police officers’ attitudes varied on the basis of demographics-age, years of service, rank, years of school completed, marital status, and gender. Using these demographic makers, attitudinal change over time between program onset and full implementation allows further analysis.