The œrst discovery of the molecule is usually connected with Kroto, Curl, and Smalley (KCS),7 although a year earlier its presence among carbon clusters was heralded.8 Not knowing the above-cited results, KCS suggested a truncated icosahedron shape of the molecule, consisting of thirty-two faces, sixty apices (carbon atoms), and ninety ribs. Supposing a full equivalence of atom positions, the symmetry of the polyhedron as a geometrical replica for equilibrium positions of the molecule atoms was attributed to the point group symmetry Ih. The beauty of the molecule is so impressive that it is worthwhile to remember words said by Sir Harrold Kroto in his Nobel lecture on December 7, 1996, p. 75:9 “The molecule’s most delightful property lies in the inherent charisma which arises from its elegantly simple and highly symmetric structure that is quite unlike any other. It is this charisma that has stimulated delight and fascination for

chemistry in young and old alike.” These words encouraged Katz to write a beautiful scientiœc œction: “Fullerenes, Carbon Nanotubes and Nanoclusters. Pedigree of Shapes and Concepts.”10