J.S.: Your father, Emil Artin, was one of the most prominent mathematicians on the American scene during the fi rst half of the twentieth century, and the general outlines of his biography are a matter of record. Your mother, Natascha Artin Brunswick, originally studied math with your father, then went on to become a mathematics editor for many years at Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics, is that right? M.A.: She did. She taught math, too. During the Second World War she also taught Russian to American soldiers, presumably training them to be spies [laughs]. This was in Bloomington, Indiana, at Indiana University, as part of the ASTP, Army Special Training Program. She became very friendly with them: two of those people were her friends for the rest of their lives. One of them is still alive. He is not well, but he lives in Manhattan. He worked after the war for Radio Free Europe or for one of the CIA outfi ts that was beaming radio programs. He was in Munich for quite a few years. The other one became an English professor at Columbia, but he died.