Legal investigators obtain information from a variety of sources: physical evidence (e.g., scenes and vehicles), witnesses, databases, and public records. It would be nice if 100% of the information obtained were both supportive and admissible in the legal investigator’s cases. Although 80/20 is not exact, it is analogous of the work cut out for each of us. ‚e focus of each case will result in a variation of the 80/20 rule-typically the obverse: 20% of the useful evidence comes from 80% of the resources. ‚at indicates a lot of investigative work with little return. ‚e goal is to increase the return on investigation (ROI). Ideally, 80% of the useful evidence comes from 20% of the sources: the quest for all relevant evidence, making a thorough analysis, and reporting the ndings. ‚e report will contain all of the signicant data from the investigative processes.