It is strongly encouraged that attorney-clients call the legal investigator as soon as they have scheduled an appointment with their client so that he or she can sit in. It is important to establish both a business and personal relationship with the client. Ensuring and maintaining attorney-client privilege is started with the simple presentation of business cards, including for the attorney-client, if necessary. ‚is serves as both an introduction and claries the existing relationship and associated privileges. Developing a relationship on a more personal level with the client is as simple as accepting clients of all backgrounds and being sympathetic to their situation. ‚is author always sympathized with the family-whether it was a gang member that was killed, the parents that lost a newborn baby, or the family that had not seen their transient brother in twenty years. It was only possible to tell the family that their pain, grief, sorrow, and anger-even relief-were understood, but it was not possible to empathize with how they were feeling. Establishing the business relationship and being on a personal level with the client sets the tone and will allow for the free ¸ow of questions and answers. It develops condence in the attorney-client of the existing relationship with the attorney-client and will also come to share with them.