In this chapter, the root causes of failure will be determined. Understanding why a tool, component, or part fails is essential for the development of a comprehensive purchasing specification. Once failure is understood, performance criteria can be established. •e goal of Chapter 3 is to:

1. Understand and define failure 2. Identify failure modes from man, method, material, and machine 3. Understand the fundamentals of a documentation method 4. Begin to fill out the total cost work sheet to determine which items to

focus on 5. Begin to fill out the failure mode work sheet to understand the reasons for

failure; this is the beginning of the specification development process

Assessing the Situation If I walked in a one factory I walked in a tousand. I could tell yas witin fife minute if da place was go’n to make it or close its doors in a few years just by the feel of it … the sound it made and how the line moved. Like go’n to a swing hall. Some folks like swing halls for da dancing and tunes dat is. Dey feel dat beat pound’n away … reminds dem dey’re alive! Dese places reminds me of dat. Remind me dat da whole town is still alive heck maybe even the whole country. But if da place sounds and feels sad den it don’t got long and dat’s about as sad as it gets. Ya know a good blues man’s can make yo cry cuz he’s gots is pain and ee’s turning it. A factory does da same I tell ya. Dose lines and

presses scream o hum and swing o sway. Dey always make’n a song too doncha know unless dey dead dat is. But dat song gots to be sweet if its gots a chance. You go now, you stand still ova dair in dat quite corner of da shop dair, off aways and yo tells me yo if ’n yo feel da buzz of da floor right true yo boots. Dis place gots one. Every place is gots one … a rhythm dat iz and sometimes it makes you smile, mmm … mmm and other times it jus makes yo feel like cry’n … mmm … mmm … mmm.