In some states of the USA, demands to remove evolution from the school curriculum, or alternatively, demanding ‘equal time’ for ‘creation science’ as an equivalent scientific theory to evolution, are brought up periodically. Among evolutionists, there is a diversity of opinions regarding some mechanisms of evolution. The theory of evolution has evolved over the years, with changes in emphasis about such matters as the lines of descent among some groups of species. The belief in spontaneous generation of organisms from non-living matter was proved wrong as early as 1668. In the 1940s, a few laboratory experiments opened the way for the understanding of the origin of life. The experiments showed that organic molecules- among them amino acids and even short peptides, can be formed from inorganic materials like methane, ammonia, and water vapor, when an external source of energy is applied. Ultraviolet light, electric sparks and other forms of energy have been successfully used.