This genus is one of the most important taxa in food microbiology and human health. Lactobacilli are found in a variety of habitats, where rich carbohydrate-containing substances are available. These include the mucosal membranes of humans and animals (oral cavity, intestine, and vagina), plants and material of plant origin, and man-made habitats such as sewage and fermented or spoiled food. Lactobacillus species play a crucial role in the production and preservation of fermented foods, including vegetables, meats, and dairy products, where they are used as starters, adjunct starters, or protective cultures.2 Lactobacillus species are also found in the human the gastrointestinal tract soon after birth. Some strains are considered probiotics, which confer health beneŠts

to the consumer, and are commercialized in the form of functional foods or food supplements.