Recent advances in recording technology have enabled investigators to record the full range of extracellular brain activity-spanning single neuron action potentials, microdomain local –eld oscillations, to high-amplitude ultraslow –eld potential oscillations originating from macroscale neuronal ensembles (Brinkmann 2009). Spatiotemporal multiscale recordings make possible the study of the range of spatial and temporal scales involved in seizure generation, i.e., ictogenesis (Figure 29.1). There is increasing evidence that improved spatiotemporal resolution in intracranial EEG (iEEG) recordings using microwire and macroelectrode arrays has the potential to play an important role in the understanding of normal and pathological neurophysiology in focal epilepsy (Bragin 2002; Worrell 2004; Urrestarazu 2007; Schevon 2008). Evidence acquired from long-term iEEG monitoring of both interictal and ictal states is used clinically to delineate the epileptogenic zone for surgical resection. Newly identi–ed interictal microdomain markers of epileptogenic activity (Worrell 2008; Stead 2010; Schevon 2008) illustrate the potential of expanding the spatial and temporal bandwidth of clinical iEEG recording.