Electronic information security is really a new phenomenon. In the days of ™ling cabinets and paper, information was secured physically. žere was a standing joke about how the Turkish Army managed their sensitive information. že sensitive information was stored in a box. že box was put in a room with one door and no windows. A guard with a gun was put in the room and sat on the box. If you came into the room and you were not authorized to be there, the guard shot you. E«ective security, but not something we can do today in our electronic world. In the 1980 and 1990s, we were not really concerned with securing the Internet. že Internet was new. I was heavily involved with electronic data interchange (EDI) and electronic commerce, and we were not considering using the Internet at that point in time. EDI was point-to-point communications. As a matter of fact, when I was working for Bank One, we were conducting penetration testing on the mainframe application to determine if there were any holes in our use of Frame Relay technologies to access the mainframe in Georgia.