Bobby is concerned about crime at his school. He has seen several criminal assaults and some of the victims left school in an ambulance. He’s even seen girls abused. Bobby is a big, strong fellow himself, so the bullies and the gangsters pretty much leave him alone. He is really concerned about some of his friends, however, and also about his little brother, Billy. What can Bobby do to help? One thing he can do is to get together with other students and the faculty to help decrease the violence. Just as he is aware of the crimes at school, others must learn of it, too. Talking to your parents, to school counselors, or trusted teachers about this issue is a good start. By working with the truth, which is that students are not safe at this school, the students and faculty can work together to successfully reduce the violence, substance abuse, and crime levels in the school while increasing the academic standards. is chapter will show you how.