Despite the hype associated with the advertised “zero learning curve” computeraided design (CAD) (e.g., All the “zero learning curve” features of AutoCAD®), learning theory predicts that a long time must be spent training and practicing before a CAD novice becomes an expert. Throughout the training, trainees’ productivity increases as a result of them being introduced to more complex concepts and capabilities of CAD functions, along with the constant practice of their newly learned skills. This is re’ected in higher ef¥ciency and more effective performance while building CAD models by expert CAD operators. This is due to accumulated procedural and honed declarative skills. A distinction can be made between the declarative and procedural components of acquired CAD knowledge. While declarative knowledge relates mainly to learning speci¥c instructions-for example, which icons to press on the graphic user interface (GUI), or which feature attributes to de¥ne in order to accomplish a CAD task – the procedural component of CAD knowledge manifests itself through the schema that trainees develop to construct a solid CAD model. This procedure is not system speci¥c, so this train of thought is transferable across different CAD systems. Declarative knowledge, on the other hand, is system speci¥c.