The smaller splitting within each of the two main PL components signifies

a noticeable in-plane g factor of the hole, the origin of which is addressed


Excited trion states are built-up by holes and/or electrons occupying

energetically higher single-particle shells. In view of the larger hole mass,

states with an excited hole appear next to the ground-state. Their spin

is again defined by the hole. In case of electron excitation, new spin con-

figurations are formed. The electron-electron exchange interaction with

typical energies in the 10-meV range splits the excited-electron trion into

a singlet state with total electron spin Stot = 0 and a triplet state Stot =

1 (Stotz = 0,±1) situated at lower energies [6]. Accounting for the hole, the triplet state comprises the spin configurations Fz = ±1/2,±3/2,±5/2. While absent in the ground-state, the eh exchange creates a finestructure

of the triplet state [7, 8]. The isotropic part is diagonal in Fz and splits the

three doublets equidistantly apart by an energy ∆˜0.