Recent achievements in condensed matter science enable control of quantum

mechanical degrees of freedom in nano-structured solids. This eventually

may lead to devices with operation based on a single electron charge and/or

spin [1]. The major advantage of implementing the spin-based systems is

in a much weaker coupling of spin to the solid-state environment when

compared to charge [1]. In addition, localization of the electron spin in

nano-structures is known to dramatically prolong its quantum phase coher-

ence time when compared with structures with higher dimensionality [2-6].

Here an important example is given by semiconductor quantum dots (QD),

providing three-dimensional electron confinement and thus the full motional

quantization, which effectively decouples the electron spin from the orbital

motion [2-6]. This property in turn suppresses the spin decoherence rate

due to scattering processes (phonons, charge fluctuations) which couple to

the spin via the spin-orbit interaction. Thus quantum dot systems permit

accurate preparation on the nano-scale of quantum states with robust spin
