Chapter 3 µj The mean in group j. σ2 The residual variance. yi The score of person i on dependent

variable y. yj The sample average of y in group j. H0 The null hypothesis. Ha The alternative hypothesis. Hm An informative hypothesis. i Index for person 1 to N . j Index for group 1 to 2. m Index for hypothesis 1 to M . µ0 Mean of the prior distribution of µj . τ20 Variance of the prior distribution of

µj . ν0 Degrees of freedom of the prior dis-

tribution of σ2. σ20 Scale parameter of the prior distri-

bution of σ2. h(µj |Ha)Unconstrained prior distribution of

µj . h(σ2) Prior distribution of σ2. µj,N Mean of the posterior distribution

of µj . τ2j,N Variance of the posterior distribu-

tion of µj . cm The complexity of Hm. fm The fit of Hm. BFma The Bayes factor of Hm versus Ha. PMPm The posterior model probability of

Hm. Chapter 4

d Effect size used in the specification of an informative hypothesis.