The Bivalvia family of molluscs is highly valued for the ecological processes in which its members are involved. This book focuses on the ecology of the Bivalvia; that is, the study of the interactions of these animals with other organisms as well as with their physical environment in estuarine and coastal marine waters both spatially and temporally The properties of bivalve-dominated ecosystems will be surveyed and synthesized using ecological thermodynamics, energetics, and complexity as underlying components that mold the work into an integrated presentation In the time since the first edition in 1996, the ecosystem approach has become more widely accepted by natural resource managers due to the general failure of single species management The ecosystem or holistic systems approach was also recommended or used in a number of global and regional resource appraisals including the United Nations Millennium Ecosystem Assessment program (MEA 2005). This acceptance and application of the ecosystem approach has led to a dramatic increase in new and often cross-disciplinary research projects, particularly in the areas of global change, biodiversity, ecosystem function, and environmental restoration Thus for the second edition a geographically diverse group of case studies will highlight these areas of increased interest, and a definitions box of important terms will be a part of the first page of each chapter. Important Terms and Concepts Classical Laws of Thermodynamics

Describe the direction of heat flow and the availability of energy to do work.


Any unit that includes all organisms that function together in a given area interacting with the physical environment so that the flow of energy leads to clearly defined biotic structure and cycling of materials between living and nonliving parts


An approach to science where all components in a process are considered to inter-react with each other


Millennium Ecosystem Assessment Program of the United Nations.

Nonequilibrium Thermodynamics

Describes how living systems and some nonliving systems use external sources of energy to exist far from thermodynamic equilibrium.


An early form of bivalve that was prominent 500 Ma.