It should be noted, however, that communities that make the investment in economic development programs, especially in difficult budgetary times, willand should-expect demonstrable ROIs. e more funding that goes in, the greater the expectations and the greater the scrutiny in measuring outcomes; there is a direct relationship between the size and level of difficulty of making the appropriation and the rigor of the assessment. What is actually measured is determined by the community and may change from time to time. A safe bet is to look at the strategic plan for the city; one cannot always assume that only the immediate needs of the community are behind the investments. e safest approach is to reach an agreement on expected outcomes-in writing-prior to the onset of the program. Short-term outcomes may include the generation of additional revenues to the tax base, jobs, or new infrastructure. Long-term expectations may include not only those things but also the revitalization of certain areas of the city, the generation of wealth, higher levels of educational achievement, population returning to communities within the city, an enhanced quality of life, or the enhancement of the image of the city as a good place to live, work, and visit.