Because of space limitations, data sets verifying the physical, chemical, mineralogical, and biological attributes of given orders are abridged. However, access to complete soil characterization databases, engineering properties, pedon descriptions, soil interpretations, and other information for di¦erent soil taxa are available online at the following address: https://soils.usda. gov/. For example, analytical data for more than 27,000 pedons in the United States and 1,100 pedons from other countries can

be accessed from this Web site. Standard morphological pedon descriptions are also available in most cases. Further, this Web site includes databases with listings of published soil surveys in the United States, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, Trust Territories, and some foreign countries; areal extent and classication of soil series; descriptions of ongoing soil survey investigations; various documents that dene the standards used for soil surveys in the United States including eld and laboratory methods; and links to Web Soil Survey and other soil surveys available in digital format.