The composition of the genus Exophiala has undergone signi–cant revisions following recent application of molecular techniques [4-6]. For example, E. jeanselmei is a well-known heterogeneous, cryptic species, which contains three varieties (E. jeanselmei var. lecanii-corni, E. jeanselmei var. heteromorpha, and E. jeanselmei) on the basis of its morphological features. Sequence analysis of E. jeanselmei rRNA internal transcribed spacer (ITS) and other gene regions revealed that the former E. jeanselmei species can be separated into E. heteromorpha, E. lecanii-corni, E. oligosperma, and E. xenobiotica plus E. jeanselmei [7]. Furthermore, molecular examination of the Exophiala spinifera-E. jeanselmei clade led to the differentiation of E. spinifera, E. jeanselmei, E. attenuata, and E. (Phaeococcomyces) exophialae as well as an unidenti–ed Exophiala sp. (represented by strain CBS 725.88) [8,9].